Indianapolis Medical Malpractice Attorney

Unfortunately, doctors, nurses, and hospital personnel make mistakes. These claims are complicated, and proof of wrongdoing is complex. In Indiana, numerous procedures and deadlines need to be followed. Litigation of these claims requires a knowledgeable and experienced medical malpractice attorney.

We have extensive experience in medical malpractice and personal injury cases. Our Indianapolis injury lawyer‘s successes in medical malpractice/patient rights cases include settlements in cases involving ophthalmology, osteopathy, cardiology, family practice, neurosurgery, and hospital care. Currently, we are handling major medical malpractice cases involving:

• Orthopedic Medical Malpractice
• Cancer Misdiagnosis Medical Malpractice
• Birth Injury and Birth Defect Medical Malpractice
• Prescription Error Medical Malpractice
• Neurosurgery Medical Malpractice
• Hospital and Nurse’s Care Medical Malpractice

A number of our medical malpractice cases are referrals from doctors or attorneys who concentrate their practice in other areas and are aware of the firm’s experience with these types of cases. Contact our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers today.

If you have a legal matter you would like to discuss with a lawyer from our firm, please call us at (317) 588-2866 or complete and submit the form, and we will get back to you.
*Past results are not a guarantee of future performance.